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Making it happen

If you would like to be more involved in FOGWAM, we would welcome you as part of the Management Committee. Input into activity planning, dreaming up public events and telling people about whats going on. We meet 4times/year  If you would like to know more join us at the AGM or email


We are a voluntary group. If you would like to help please contact any member of the managment Committee or email


Workdays  2025


Were in the woods  with our ranger Matt working on various projects including creating a new glade and a dead wood hedge

   Saturday 15th February
•    Sunday 13th April 
•    Saturday 7th June: 
site review and

                                     walking AGM
•    Sunday 31st  August
•    Sunday 26th October
•    Saturday 22nd November
•    Sunday 14th December: 
Jolly Holly

                                         wreath making

10am-1pm Meet at Crimicar Lane entrance. All welcome. Children to be accompanied by an adult. No experience needed, Please wear suitable clothes. Tools and tea provided by Council Rangers. Further information:

Annual General Meeting & site review

Sun 17th June

We are reviewing our work and planning future activity with a site walk on 17th June and a walking AGM. All are welcome. We are actively seeking new members of the Management Committee. If you would like to join  please join us at the 17th June workday to find out more more or email our Chairperson Teo at 

Sun 14th December -Jolly Holly wreath making

Celebrate the season and the woods - Join us for our annual wreath making using willow ivy and holly from the woods. 15 wreaths were made last year.



January 2013, snowy, cold but bright. A group of neighbours looking out over the bare but beautiful woods wondered allowed, wouldn't it be a good idea to take more care of our rather special local green space. Names were being exchanged, some knew it as Bluebell Wood, others as The Meadow and Field, the Local Authority named it as Crimicar lane Open Space, the old maps as Gilcrest Wood.


By the spring, with the support of Sheffield City Council, a public meeting of 30 people in Fullwood Chapel gave a full local mandate to initiating a voluntry Friends Group to take care of the Woods and Meadow.


This is your chance to join in and enjoy taking caring of our wild space, its plants and wildlife. Join us in planting, digging, clearing, surveying plants, bird and wildlife both  little and large, and the satisfaction of a working together for a good thing.

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Artwork by Martin Field more of his work

Our aim is ​to offer some sympathetic care, conserve and encourage natural fauna and flora and generally improve the wild space of Glicrest Wood and Meadow

Nest find: we checked and cleared all the bird boxes we put up in 2014, and almost 50% of the 10 boxes had seen action. Chris has refurbished the boxes and weve just reset them. 

​​email us:

​Find us: 

Crimicar Lane S10

© 2013 Friends Of Gilcrest Wood & Medow

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