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Friends of Gilcrest Wood and Meadow - FoGWaM was constituted as a voluntary group in April 2013.


Gilcrest Woods and Meadow lie between Castlewood Road, Castlewood Drive, Caterbury Crescent and Crimicar Lane, Shefflelld S10. The main habitats include deciduous and ornamental woodland and cut amenity grassland. It is owned and managed by Sheffield City Council’s Parks, Woods and Countryside department.


A Phase 1 Survey was undertaken in summer 2013 with Michael "Ziggy" Senkans (SCC Biodiversity Monitoring Officer) identifying the range herbaceous plats including wet grassland species such as lesser spearwort (Ranunculus flammula), Grasses, rushes & sedges and trees and climbers and the perameters of a Management Plan. Copy of this survey is available on below.  Further survey phases are being planned. As part of this the Management Plan we maintain monitoring of Trees that are under a protection order (TPO) on or next to the site. Here is copy of the Tree Protection Order for trees on the North east site boundary (downloadable from the button). The trees marked as T7 to T14 are no longer present and appear to have been removed during house development of 25 - 31 Canterbury Cresent.




Activity is planned by a Management Committee and supported by Sheffield City Council rangers. All activities are undertaken within guidlines of a Child protection Policy. We do ask all parents and carers to be responsible for all involvement of children. 


FoGWaM is a member of the Community Network of The Conservation Volunteers and has public liability insurance cover.

FoGWaM is grateful for the support of the TVC Chestnut Fund and Sheffield City Council Community Ward funds and the assistance of the Sheffield City Council Parks and Countryside Department.

If you would like to get involved join a workday, or become part of the Management Comittee by emailing or attend the walking AGM (see workday diary)

​​email us:

​Find us: 

Crimicar Lane S10

© 2013 Friends Of Gilcrest Wood & Medow

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